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time -- unit feature to group time related features


§date_time(year i32, day_in_year i32, hour i32, minute i32, second i32, nano_second i32)

Represents a coordinated universal date and time (UTC) in the gregorian calendar.
time.durations -- unit type defining features related to duration but not requiring
an instance
time.duration.units -- unit time defining units used in duration
time.nano -- effect providing nano time

time.nano is a timer that provides high precision but possibly low
accuracy. Such a timer is typically useful for timing the duration
of events, such as measuring the time it takes to perform some

time.nano may have a signficant drift compared to actual time, it might
not be the right source of time to, e.g., feed an alarm clock that should
wake you up at 6h30 every morning.
effect for getting the current date_time


how many days does the given year have?
short-hand for accessing time.nano effect in current environment
get the current date_time.
Uses currently installed time.now effect
or installs the default_now handler
stopwatch measures the execution duration of f


time.duration -- value representing a duration, i.e., a time span

This is intendend for high precision time specification and measurement, it
uses a time resolution of 1ns.

The maximum value is about 580 years, so this is not intended for use in
calendars that may require time spans exceeding several centuries or millenia,
nor astrological time spans.
abstract handler that can deliver a nano time