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file -- a unit type that contains effects related to file I/O


write -- effect providing writing operations for files
read -- effect providing byte reading operations from files
the mode to use when opening a file
delete -- effect wrapping the file delete operation
move -- effect wrapping the file move operation
seek -- effect providing stream seeking operations
reference to the seek operations that could be provided
stat -- effect providing operations to retrieve file stats


short-hand for accessing write effect in current environment
short-hand for accessing read effect in current environment
short hand for use when
it is not necessary to distinguish between opens

usage example:
use file_name mode.read ()->
match open.read

this opens a file with the given mode and installs
effect (open T) to be used in `code()`.

type parameter T is used to distinguish between several open files.

usage example:
use some_type file_name mode.read ()->
match (open some_type).read

Does a file or directory at path exist?
short hand to get the currently
installed open effect
from the environment.
see `use` on how to use this.
short hand to get the currently
installed open effect
for type T from the environment.
see `use` on how to use this.
short-hand for accessing delete effect in current environment and performing the default delete operation using io.file.delete.delete path
deletes the file/dir found in the path
returns unit as outcome in case of successful deletion and error in case of failure
if the targeted dir has content, then the return value will be error and the deletion will not take place
§move(old_path String, new_path String)
outcome unit
short-hand for accessing move effect in current environment and performing the default move operation using
io.file.move.move old_path new_path
moves file/dir from an old path to a the new path
can rename the file/dir as well by changing the name of the old file/dir to a new name in the new_path
returns a unit type as outcome in case of success and error in case of failure
short-hand for accessing the stat effect in current environment
short-hand for accessing and using stats/lstats provided by the stat effect in current environment
in success it will return a meta_data outcome storing stats regarding the file/dir
in case of failure an error will be returned
resolve flag is used to indicate whether to resolve sym links or not
NYI: lstats behaves the same as stats in the interpreter


effect for manipulating open files
T is used to distinguish several open files
unit type used internally by open- and use-
short hands which can be used when one does not need
to distinguish between several open files.
reference to the reading operations that could take place
meta_data will be a feature storing the metadata of file/dir
reference to the delete operations that could take place
reference to the move operations that could take place
reference to the stats that could be provided
reference to the writing operations that could take place